Dear Parent/Guardian,
Registration is now closed...
Thank you for your time and
interest in our school.
St. Joseph's Infant School
Registration phases:
Phase 03.
Step 1. Upon receiving the 'Acceptance' email, you will be given further instructions on how to complete the registration process, which may include:
Attending a 'new parent' seminar
Picking up 'acceptance package'
Phase 02.
Step 1. Come to interview appointment with your child (in person)
Step 2. Submit Registration Fee ($1,000.00),
verify/correct application information
Step 3. Wait for email with results of application
Phase 01.
Step 1. Complete and submit online form.
Uploads required:
Original birth certificate (long version)
Child's Immunization passport (Page 14 &15)
Passport Size picture
Proof of address
Child's Christening Certificate
Step 2. Wait to receive an email response from school; It will state if you are able to proceed to PHASE 2.